Research Presentation Sessions: Imaging Informatics / Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

RPS 1805a - Artificial intelligence (AI) in breast imaging

  • ECR 2022
  • 10 Lectures
  • 90 Minutes
  • 10 Speakers


Introduction by the moderator

Introduction by the moderator

02:00Chantal Van Ongeval, Leuven / BE

Preparing screening mammograms for Artificial Intelligence using deep learning

Preparing screening mammograms for Artificial Intelligence using deep learning

08:00Sofia Salas Aguirre, Guadalajara / MX

AI-based strategy to reduce the recall rate and consensus meeting workload of double reading in breast cancer screening with digital mammography: a retrospective evaluation

AI-based strategy to reduce the recall rate and consensus meeting workload of double reading in breast cancer screening with digital mammography: a retrospective evaluation

08:00Daan Hellingman, Forchheim / DE

The use of deep learning techniques in craniocaudal views in mammography

The use of deep learning techniques in craniocaudal views in mammography

08:00Raluca-Elena Meetescu, Craiova / RO

Breast lesion recognition through machine learning: MammoWave clinical trial data

Breast lesion recognition through machine learning: MammoWave clinical trial data

08:00Soumya Rana, London / UK

Can an AI-based decision referral approach improve the overall sensitivity of a breast cancer screening programme?

Can an AI-based decision referral approach improve the overall sensitivity of a breast cancer screening programme?

08:00Stefan Bunk, Berlin / DE

Detection of breast arterial calcifications on mammograms with deep learning

Detection of breast arterial calcifications on mammograms with deep learning

08:00Nazanin Mobini, Milan / IT

Can a screening mammography teaching file with AI improve trainee interpretation skills?

Can a screening mammography teaching file with AI improve trainee interpretation skills?

08:00Pierre Fillard, Paris / FR

Implementation of lesion detection box-derived radiomics signature in computer-aided decision support system for breast cancer ultrasound imaging

Implementation of lesion detection box-derived radiomics signature in computer-aided decision support system for breast cancer ultrasound imaging

08:00Zuzanna Magnuska, Aachen / DE

A multicentric study to evaluate the effectiveness of machine learning over thermal images for detecting suspected breast cancer

A multicentric study to evaluate the effectiveness of machine learning over thermal images for detecting suspected breast cancer

08:00Sudhakar Sampangi, Bangalore / IN

Breast tissue segmentation in digital mammography using deep learning: one method for multiple views and vendors

Breast tissue segmentation in digital mammography using deep learning: one method for multiple views and vendors

08:00Sarah Verboom, Nijmegen / NL


  • Chantal Van Ongeval

    Leuven / Belgium


  • Sofia Salas Aguirre

    GUADALAJARA / Mexico
  • Daan Hellingman

    Den Hague / Netherlands
  • Raluca-Elena Meetescu

    Craiova / Romania
  • Soumya Prakash Rana

    London / United Kingdom
  • Stefan Bunk

    Berlin / Germany
  • Nazanin Mobini

    Milan / Italy
  • Pierre Fillard

    Paris / France
  • Zuzanna Anna Magnuska

    Aachen / Germany
  • Sudhakar Sampangi

    Bangalore / India
  • Sarah Delaja Verboom

    Nijmegen / Netherlands