Industry Workshop by GE HealthCare

IWS 89 - Artificial intelligence in breast ultrasound : The emerging future of modern medicine

February 28, 10:00 - 10:30 CET

  • ACV - GE HealthCare SonoArcadia
  • 1 Lecture
  • 30 Minutes
  • 1 Speakers


Industry Workshop by GE HealthCare
Silvia Perez Rodrigo, Madrid / Spain
Ultrasound plays an important role in characterizing breast masses as it is relatively low cost, lack of ionizing radiation and has the ability to evaluate images in real time. Despite these advantages interpreting breast ultrasound is a challenging task as there is a considerable intra-reader varaibility and false-positive findings. Join us for this 30 mins session to learn about about how AI in breast ultrasound can potentially overcome these challenges
Sign up here

This workshop will not be streamed, nor will it be available on-demand!


  • Silvia Perez Rodrigo

    Madrid / Spain