Voice of EPOS

VoE 003 - Breast

  • ECR 2020
  • 5 Lectures
  • 30 Minutes
  • 5 Speakers


VoE 003 - Impact of breast density on radiological-pathological correlation in lobular breast cancer; is preoperative MRI a worthwhile exercise?

VoE 003 - Impact of breast density on radiological-pathological correlation in lobular breast cancer; is preoperative MRI a worthwhile exercise?

08:34S. Gawley, Belfast / UK

VoE 003 - Metastases to breast from extramammary malignancies: a topic with cases

VoE 003 - Metastases to breast from extramammary malignancies: a topic with cases

04:47H. Çelik, Izmir / TR

VoE 003 - Predictors of local recurrence during Mammographic screening of women following breast conservative surgery: A retrospective study.

VoE 003 - Predictors of local recurrence during Mammographic screening of women following breast conservative surgery: A retrospective study.

05:06I. Ewais, New Cairo / EG

VoE 003 - Juvenile Papillomatosis: Is it always seen in juvenile patients ?

VoE 003 - Juvenile Papillomatosis: Is it always seen in juvenile patients ?

06:03A. Tan, Ankara / TR

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  • Iman Ewais

    New Cairo / Egypt
  • Aziz Anıl Tan

    Ankara / Turkey
  • Sandra Denise Gawley

    Bangor / United Kingdom
  • Hakki Çelik

    Izmir / Turkey