Industry Symposium by Bracco

IND 9 - CEUS of the liver for economic sustainability: an Italian case study

  • ECR 2025
  • 2 Lectures
  • 45 Minutes
  • 2 Speakers

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CEUS of the liver for economic sustainability: an Italian case study (Complete Session)

CEUS of the liver for economic sustainability: an Italian case study (Complete Session)

45:00Carla Serra, Bologna / IT, Emanuela Foglia, Busto Arsizio / IT


The Open Forum Session will evaluate the organizational and economic sustainability of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) as a diagnostic tool for the characterization of incidental focal liver lesions (FLLs). An initial reminder of the clinical benefits of CEUS for the real-time characterization of FLLs will be followed by a detailed analysis of the value of CEUS for improved economic sustainability both at institutional and national level. This analysis compares current diagnostic pathways (i.e., “As Is” scenarios) with an optimized “Best Case Scenario” when CEUS is integrated effectively into routine clinical practice. The analysis demonstrates not only that the efficient implementation of CEUS can improve organizational efficiency by reducing examination times and overall costs, but that the benefits seen at institutional level extend also to the national level.
20 min
Clinical advantages of CEUS for the characterization of focal liver lesions.
Carla Serra, Bologna / Italy
Nowadays, when a patient has abdominal symptoms or alterations of laboratory tests, ultrasound is performed because it is inexpensive and available. Focal liver lesions are usually detected incidentally during abdominal ultrasound, in case of first evaluation or during the follow-up for a primary neoplasm, or during surveillance in chronic liver diseases and cirrhosis. CEUS improves the characterization of focal liver lesions that are indeterminate on conventional ultrasound. The use of CEUS is recommended and suggested as a second diagnostic step after ultrasound detection of indeterminate focal liver lesions to immediately establish the diagnosis, representing a cost-effective modality avoiding further and more expensive examinations.
20 min
Benefits of integrated CEUS for economic and organizational sustainability.
Emanuela Foglia, Busto Arsizio / Italy
The speech will delve into the organizational and economic sustainability of using Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS)


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  • Carla Serra

    Bologna / Italy


  • Carla Serra

    Bologna / Italy
  • Emanuela Foglia

    Busto Arsizio / Italy