Refresher Course: Paediatric

RC 312 - Congenital brain malformations

February 26, 11:30 - 12:30 CET

5 min
Chairperson's introduction
Maria Argyropoulou, Ioannina / Greece
15 min
The abnormal midline
Baptiste Morel, Tours / France
  1. To review normal embryonal development of midline commissures.
  2. To describe imaging findings associated with midline malformations of the brain, skull and face.
  3. To review imaging protocol for assessment of midline malformations in foetus and newborn and to discuss the utility of DTI in these pictures.
15 min
Posterior fossa malformations: a pattern recognition approach
Andrea Righini, Milano / Italy
  1. To be familiar with the anatomy of the posterior fossa structure.
  2. To understand the cystic malformations of the posterior fossa (Dandy-Walker and beyond).
  3. To have an overview of pattern recognition in neurogenetic conditions involving the posterior fossa structures.
15 min
Malformation of cortical development and epilepsy: what the radiologists need to know
Maria Camilla Camilla Rossi Rossi Espagnet, Roma / Italy
  1. To review malformations of cortical development and their association with epilepsy.
  2. To discuss imaging protocol guidelines in patients with structural epilepsy.
  3. To show the importance of a multidisciplinary and multi-imaging approach in the evaluation of pharmaco-resistant structural epilepsy.
10 min
Panel discussion: How to improve imaging protocols in foetuses, newborns and children?