RC 405 - Effect of the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR): moving patients' data across hospitals, regions, countries

  • Professional Issues: from Education to Research
  • 4 Lectures
  • 60 Minutes
  • 4 Speakers


RC 405_1 - A. The GDPR: an overview

RC 405_1 - A. The GDPR: an overview

14:31Christoph D. Becker, Geneva / CH

Learning Objectives
1. To learn about the content of the GDPR.
2. To understand the effects of GDPR for scientific use of imaging data.
3. To become familiar with the terminology as used in GDPR.

RC 405_2 - B. Transferring patients' data across hospitals, regions, countries: pros and cons

RC 405_2 - B. Transferring patients' data across hospitals, regions, countries: pros and cons

15:02Elmar Kotter, Freiburg / DE

Learning Objectives
1. To understand how imaging data can be shared.
2. To learn about the influence of GDPR on data sharing.
3. To appreciate the challenges when sharing imaging data.

RC 405_3 - C. Anonymous or pseudo-anonymous 2D-3D data: is privacy really warranted?

RC 405_3 - C. Anonymous or pseudo-anonymous 2D-3D data: is privacy really warranted?

15:34Timo Debondt, Antwerp / BE

Learning Objectives
1. To learn about the methods to de-identify (imaging) data.
2. To understand the pitfalls of de-identification methods.
3. To understand how to approach de-identification for research.

RC 405_4 - D. Management of data for clinical trials

RC 405_4 - D. Management of data for clinical trials

14:58Daniele Regge, Turin / IT

Learning Objectives
1. To learn about data management for clinical trials.
2. To understand imaging biobank concepts.
3. To appreciate the requirements for building proper imaging biobanks.

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This course is only accessible for ESR Premium Education Package subscribers.