Research Presentation Sessions: Emergency Imaging

RPS 217 - Emergency patients management and COVID-19 complications: open questions

  • ECR 2022
  • 11 Lectures
  • 90 Minutes
  • 11 Speakers


Introduction by the moderator

Introduction by the moderator

02:00Johann Baptist Dormagen, Oslo / NO

Who gets what imaged: exploring patient age and number of body regions imaged by CT in emergency room patients

Who gets what imaged: exploring patient age and number of body regions imaged by CT in emergency room patients

08:00Jan Vosshenrich, Basel / CH

Whole-body CT scan in polytrauma patients: estimation of radiation dose and cancer risk

Whole-body CT scan in polytrauma patients: estimation of radiation dose and cancer risk

08:00Mohamed M. Abuzaid, Sharjah / AE

CT imaging post resuscitation: do we really need CT pulmonary angiography after return of spontaneous circulation?

CT imaging post resuscitation: do we really need CT pulmonary angiography after return of spontaneous circulation?

08:00Katharina Mueller-Peltzer, Freiburg / DE

Spontaneous muscle haematomas in patients hospitalised for COVID-19 infection in the largest Serbian COVID hospital

Spontaneous muscle haematomas in patients hospitalised for COVID-19 infection in the largest Serbian COVID hospital

08:00Ksenija Mijović, Belgrade / RS

COVID-19 gastrointestinal complication: imaging and pathological correlation.

COVID-19 gastrointestinal complication: imaging and pathological correlation.

08:00Ilaria Ambrosini, PISA / IT

Correlation between periappendicular fat density value and clinical and radiological CT scores on CT in acute appendicitis cases

Correlation between periappendicular fat density value and clinical and radiological CT scores on CT in acute appendicitis cases

08:00Ebru Torun, Antalya / TR

Observation and repetitive ultrasound: a successful tool to reduce unnecessary CT scans in diagnostics of acute appendicitis

Observation and repetitive ultrasound: a successful tool to reduce unnecessary CT scans in diagnostics of acute appendicitis

08:00Raminta Luksaite-Lukste, Vilnius / LT

Acute pelvic pain in girls: how valuable is MR imaging as an adjunct to ultrasound?

Acute pelvic pain in girls: how valuable is MR imaging as an adjunct to ultrasound?

08:00Gabriele Masselli, Rome / IT

Diagnostic errors in imaging and their impact when requesting patients to revisit the emergency room

Diagnostic errors in imaging and their impact when requesting patients to revisit the emergency room

08:00Ayeon Son, Seoul / KR


  • Johann Baptist Dormagen

    Oslo / Norway


  • Jan Vosshenrich

    Basel / Switzerland
  • Mohamed M. Abuzaid

    Sharjah / United Arab Emirates
  • Pradeep Kumar Roul

    Dehradun / India
  • Katharina Mueller-Peltzer

    Freiburg Im Breisgau / Germany
  • Rajul Rastogi

    Moradabad / India
  • Ksenija Mijović

    Belgrade / Serbia
  • Ilaria Ambrosini

    Pisa / Italy
  • Ebru Torun

    Antalya / Turkey
  • Raminta Luksaite-Lukste

    Vilnius / Lithuania
  • Gabriele Masselli

    Rome / Italy