EIBIR Session

EIBIR 8 - European efforts to improve quality and safety in imaging and therapy

  • ECR 2023
  • 6 Lectures
  • 60 Minutes
  • 5 Speakers

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Chairperson's introduction

Chairperson's introduction

05:00Gabriel P. Krestin, Rotterdam / NL

i-Violin project

i-Violin project

12:00Christoph Hoeschen, Magdeburg / DE

SimpleRad project: a study on the implementation of the Euratom and the EU legal bases with respect to the therapeutic uses of radiopharmaceuticals

SimpleRad project: a study on the implementation of the Euratom and the EU legal bases with respect to the therapeutic uses of radiopharmaceuticals

12:00Bernd Krause, Rostock / DE

AlternativesToGd project

AlternativesToGd project

12:00Rachel Katz-Brull, Jerusalem / IL

EIBIR activities and upcoming opportunities

EIBIR activities and upcoming opportunities

10:00Katharina KrischakAT

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  • Gabriel P. Krestin

    Rotterdam / Netherlands


  • Gabriel P. Krestin

    Rotterdam / Netherlands
  • Christoph Hoeschen

    Magdeburg / Germany
  • Bernd Krause

    Rostock / Germany
  • Rachel Katz-Brull

    Jerusalem / Israel
  • Katharina Krischak

    Vienna / Austria