E³ - Advanced Courses: Head and Neck Imaging

E³ 1122 - Head and neck tumours in children: a multidisciplinary approach

  • ECR 2022
  • 5 Lectures
  • 90 Minutes
  • 4 Speakers


Chairperson's introduction

Chairperson's introduction

05:00Rick R. van Rijn, Amsterdam / NL

Role of imaging in a child with a head and neck tumour

Role of imaging in a child with a head and neck tumour

15:00Anneloes Bohté, Utrecht / NL

Management of a child with a head and neck tumour: the oncologist's perspective

Management of a child with a head and neck tumour: the oncologist's perspective

15:00Rutger Knops, Utrecht / NL

Use of radiation therapy in a child with a head and neck tumour

Use of radiation therapy in a child with a head and neck tumour

15:00Geert O.R. Janssens, Utrecht / NL

Multidisciplinary tumour board: case-based panel discussion

Multidisciplinary tumour board: case-based panel discussion

40:00Rick R. van Rijn, Amsterdam / NL


  • Rick van Rijn

    Amsterdam / Netherlands


  • Rick van Rijn

    Amsterdam / Netherlands
  • Anneloes (A.E.) Bohté

    Utrecht / Netherlands
  • Rutger Knops

    Utrecht / Netherlands
  • Geerto.R. Janssens

    Utrecht / Netherlands