Refresher Courses

RC 410 - My top three tips for musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging

  • ECR 2021
  • 6 Lectures
  • 63 Minutes
  • 6 Speakers


RC 410 - A. My top three tips for ultrasound of the shoulder

RC 410 - A. My top three tips for ultrasound of the shoulder

09:13M. Posadzy, Poznan / Poland

Learning Objectives
1. To explain the utility of standardised views.
2. To describe how to recognise common pathologies.
3. To list pitfalls and explain how to avoid them.

RC 410 - B. My top three tips for ultrasound of the elbow

RC 410 - B. My top three tips for ultrasound of the elbow

09:58H. Al-Bulushi, Muscat / Oman

Learning Objectives
1. To explain the utility of standardised views.
2. To describe how to recognise common pathologies.
3. To list pitfalls and explain how to avoid them.

RC 410 - C. My top three tips for ultrasound of the wrist and hand

RC 410 - C. My top three tips for ultrasound of the wrist and hand

09:10E. Drakonaki, Iraklion / Greece

Learning Objectives
1. To explain the utility of standardised views.
2. To describe how to recognise common pathologies.
3. To list pitfalls and explain how to avoid them.

RC 410 - D. My top three tips for ultrasound of the hip

RC 410 - D. My top three tips for ultrasound of the hip

11:46E. Rowbotham, Leeds / UK

Learning Objectives
1. To explain the utility of standardised views.
2. To describe how to recognise common pathologies.
3. To list pitfalls and explain how to avoid them.

RC 410 - E. My top three tips for ultrasound of the knee

RC 410 - E. My top three tips for ultrasound of the knee

11:55A. Isaac, London / UK

Learning Objectives
1. To explain the utility of standardised views.
2. To describe how to recognise common pathologies.
3. To list pitfalls and explain how to avoid them.

RC 410 - F. My top three tips for ultrasound of the ankle and foot

RC 410 - F. My top three tips for ultrasound of the ankle and foot

11:30C. Martinoli, Genoa / Italy

Learning Objectives
1. To explain the utility of standardised views.
2. To describe how to recognise common pathologies.
3. To list pitfalls and explain how to avoid them.

PEP Subscription Required

This course is only accessible for ESR Premium Education Package subscribers.


  • Magdalena Sylwia Posadzy

    Poznan / Poland
  • Hussain IS-HAQ Al Bulushi

    Muscat / Oman
  • Elena E. Drakonaki

    Heraklion / Greece
  • Emma Rowbotham

    Leeds / United Kingdom
  • Amanda Isaac

    London / United Kingdom
  • Carlo Martinoli

    Rapallo / Italy