Research Presentation Session

RPS 703 - Myocardial deformations

  • ECR 2021
  • 9 Lectures
  • 45 Minutes
  • 9 Speakers


RPS 703 - Right left ventricular blood pool T2 ratio as an innovative screening tool for the identification of left to right shunts in patients with dilated right ventricle: results from a bi-centre study

RPS 703 - Right left ventricular blood pool T2 ratio as an innovative screening tool for the identification of left to right shunts in patients with dilated right ventricle: results from a bi-centre study

06:18V. Brandt, Charleston, SC / United States

RPS 703 - Impact of short-term mapping parameter modification on left ventricle remodelling: Miami study

RPS 703 - Impact of short-term mapping parameter modification on left ventricle remodelling: Miami study

06:48A. Palmisano, Milan / Italy

RPS 703 - Myocardial remodelling in the first year after cardiac transplant

RPS 703 - Myocardial remodelling in the first year after cardiac transplant

02:59C. Obst, Vienna / Austria

RPS 703 - Left atrial functional analysis is superior to standard volumetric assessment in hypertensive heart disease patients with myocardial hypertrophy

RPS 703 - Left atrial functional analysis is superior to standard volumetric assessment in hypertensive heart disease patients with myocardial hypertrophy

04:55C. Reichardt, Mainz / Germany

RPS 703 - Comparison of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings between Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Induced Myocarditis and Presumed Viral Myocarditis

RPS 703 - Comparison of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings between Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Induced Myocarditis and Presumed Viral Myocarditis

04:38F. Cadour, Marseille / France

No Conflict of Interest to Disclose

RPS 703 - Feature tracking vs speckle tracking in the assessment of myocardial deformation in highly trained endurance athletes

RPS 703 - Feature tracking vs speckle tracking in the assessment of myocardial deformation in highly trained endurance athletes

04:50B. Domenech Ximenos, Barcelona / Spain

RPS 703 - Cardiac Erdheim-Chester disease: disease localization and impact on myocardial fibrosis

RPS 703 - Cardiac Erdheim-Chester disease: disease localization and impact on myocardial fibrosis

05:08M. Gambardella, Naples / Italy

RPS 703 - Cardiac resynchronisation in treating the patients with left ventricular non-compaction cardiomyopathy (LVNC): the role of CMR in the prognosis of outcome

RPS 703 - Cardiac resynchronisation in treating the patients with left ventricular non-compaction cardiomyopathy (LVNC): the role of CMR in the prognosis of outcome

05:18E. Mershina, Moscow / RU

Learning Objectives

RPS 703 - Left ventricular strain can predict outcomes of pulmonary valve replacement in patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot

RPS 703 - Left ventricular strain can predict outcomes of pulmonary valve replacement in patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot

04:56B. Zhuang, Beijing / China

PEP Subscription Required

This course is only accessible for ESR Premium Education Package subscribers.


  • Baiyan Zhuang

    Beijing / China
  • Verena Brandt

    Charleston / United States
  • Anna Palmisano

    Cologno Monzese / Italy
  • Christian Obst

    Vienna / Austria
  • Constantin Reichardt

    Mainz / Germany
  • Farah Cadour

    Toronto / Canada
  • Blanca Domenech Ximenos

    Barcelona / Spain
  • Michele Gambardella

    Naples / Italy
  • Elena Mershina

    Moscow / Russia