Refresher Courses: Breast

RC 1702 - Neoadjuvant chemotherapy of breast cancer: image-guided treatment

  • ECR 2022
  • 5 Lectures
  • 60 Minutes
  • 4 Speakers


Chairperson's introduction

Chairperson's introduction

05:00Erkin Aribal, Istanbul / TR

Current role and results of imaging methods to detect residual disease

Current role and results of imaging methods to detect residual disease

15:00Tamar Sella, Jerusalem / IL

Early response assessment and potential change of treatment: what needs to be done?

Early response assessment and potential change of treatment: what needs to be done?

15:00Claudette Loo, Amsterdam / NL

Post-therapeutic management: is this the time to start omitting surgery?

Post-therapeutic management: is this the time to start omitting surgery?

15:00Sara Jimenez Arranz, Madrid / ES

Panel discussion: Is it possible to team up with the oncologists to adapt treatment using imaging biomarkers?

Panel discussion: Is it possible to team up with the oncologists to adapt treatment using imaging biomarkers?

10:00Panel discussion: Is it possible to team up with the oncologists to adapt treatment using imaging biomarkers?


  • Mustafa Erkin Aribal

    Istanbul / Turkey


  • Mustafa Erkin Aribal

    Istanbul / Turkey
  • Tamar Sella

    Jerusalem / Israel
  • Claudette Loo

    Amsterdam / Netherlands
  • Sara Jimenez Arranz

    Madrid / Spain