Research Presentation Sessions: Vascular

RPS 315 - Pulmonary embolism and venous imaging

  • ECR 2023
  • 7 Lectures
  • 60 Minutes
  • 7 Speakers


Deep vein thrombosis at compressive ultrasound as screening to predict the onset of early pulmonary embolism in covid patients

Deep vein thrombosis at compressive ultrasound as screening to predict the onset of early pulmonary embolism in covid patients

07:00Carlo Capodaglio, Milan / IT

Value of spectral CT image-based multiparameter for increase detection rate of embolus and improving a risk stratification model in acute pulmonary embolism

Value of spectral CT image-based multiparameter for increase detection rate of embolus and improving a risk stratification model in acute pulmonary embolism

07:00Yuhan Zhou, Zheng Zhou / CN

Can we distinguish acute from chronic pulmonary thromboembolism using dual-energy CT?

Can we distinguish acute from chronic pulmonary thromboembolism using dual-energy CT?

07:00Monica Dobrovie, București / RO

CT imaging biomarker to predict the progression of pulmonary hypertension

CT imaging biomarker to predict the progression of pulmonary hypertension

07:00Dowon Yoon, Seongnam-si / KR

An audit on the completeness of the information provided on requests for ultrasound (US) Doppler querying deep venous thrombosis (DVT)

An audit on the completeness of the information provided on requests for ultrasound (US) Doppler querying deep venous thrombosis (DVT)

07:00Zaid Tabba, Cork / IE

Non-invasive evaluation of portosystemic pressure gradients after TIPS placement by 4D flow MRI and computational fluid dynamics

Non-invasive evaluation of portosystemic pressure gradients after TIPS placement by 4D flow MRI and computational fluid dynamics

07:00Christoph Riedel, Hamburg / DE



00:00Katarzyna Gruszczyńska, Katowice / PL

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  • Katarzyna Gruszczyńska

    Katowice / Poland


  • Carlo Capodaglio

    Milan / Italy
  • Yuhan Zhou

    Zhengzhou / China
  • Monica Dobrovie

    Bucharest / Romania
  • Dowon Yoon

    Seongnam-si / Korea, Republic of
  • Zaid Tabba

    Cork / Ireland
  • Christoph Riedel

    Hamburg / Germany