EuroSafe Imaging – Share2Care Initiative

Radiation Protection of staff in Interventional Radiology

  • 5 Lectures
  • 90 Minutes
  • 3 Speakers


Radiation Protection of staff in Interventional Radiology

Radiation Protection of staff in Interventional Radiology

85:53Davide Cester/Gilbert Puippe/Sandra Misic


We are excited to present to you the Share2Care Initiative. As a part of the EuroSafe Imaging 2024 webinar series, the Share2Care Initiative offers EuroSafe Imaging 5 Star Premium Institutions the opportunity to present their experiences with dose reduction strategies and local radiation protection initiatives.  
Each webinar will consist of presentations of a radiologist, radiographer and medical physicist from the selected institution, followed by a Q&A.

On-demand access is exclusively available for holders of the ESR Premium Education Package. 


Detailed programme

Graciano Paulo

Interventional Radiology in a teaching hospital: a challenging environment (20 min) 
Davide Cester

Eye lens dosimetry and shielding in the high dose range (20 min) 
Gilbert Dominique Puippe

Continuous Education and live dosimetry workshops (20 min) 
Sandra Misic

Live Q&A from the audience (30 min) 
Graciano Paulo

PEP Subscription Required

This course is only accessible for ESR Premium Education Package subscribers.


  • Graciano Paulo

    Coimbra / Portugal


  • Davide Cester

    Zürich / Switzerland
  • Gilbert Dominique Puippe

    Zurich / Switzerland
  • Sandra Misic