Prediction of overall survival in paediatric neuroblastoma patients through machine learning in the large multi-institutional PRIMAGE cohort
Author Block: J. Lozano1, A. Jimenez-Pastor1, G. Weiss2, D. Veiga Canuto1, B. Martínez De Las Heras1, A. Cañete Nieto1, B. Hero3, R. Ladenstein4, L. Marti-Bonmati1; 1Valencia/ES, 2Boston, MA/US, 3Cologne/DE, 4Vienna/AT
Purpose: Neuroblastoma (NB) is the most frequent and highly aggressive solid cancer in childhood, in which imaging plays a pivotal role at every step of the patient's journey. This study sought to develop a machine learning model using clinical, molecular, and magnetic resonance (MR) radiomics features to predict patient’s overall survival (OS) and aid in their stratification.
Methods or Background: A database of 513 patients was used for model training, validation, and testing. Furthermore, 22 additional patients from hospitals not originally in the database were utilised as an external test. Manual tumour segmentations of the NB were conducted on the corresponding T2-weighted MR images to segment the primary tumour by an experienced radiologist. In total, 107 radiomics features were extracted and subsequently harmonised across manufacturers and magnetic field strengths using the nested ComBat methodology. Finally, radiomic features were combined with the clinical and molecular data to serve as input for the models. A nested cross-validation approach was used as training methodology to select the best preprocessing and model configuration.
Results or Findings: A C-index of 0.788±0.049 was achieved in the test, being a random survival forest the model showing the best performance. For the additional 22 patients, a C-index of 0.934 was obtained. The model exhibited superior predictive performance and patient stratification compared to the standard risk group INRG. Interpretability analysis revealed the significance of clinical variables, with radiomics features related to lesion heterogeneity and size playing an important role in prediction.
Conclusion: The OS predictive model demonstrated high performance and alignment with established clinical variables, highlighting the importance of radiomics features. It presents new evidence for enhancing patient care and clinical decision-making.
Limitations: Greater sample sizes are required in the external test to confirm the results.
Funding for this study: Funding was received from PRIMAGE (PRedictive In-silico Multiscale Analytics to support cancer personalized diagnosis and prognosis, empowered by imaging biomarkers), a Horizon 2020|RIA project (Topic SC1-DTH-07-2018), grant agreement no: 826494.
Has your study been approved by an ethics committee? Yes
Ethics committee - additional information: This study was approved by an Institutional Review Board and written informed consent was obtained from all participant centres.