Industry Workshop by Canon Medical

WS 69 - Ultrasound of Small Nerves of the Head and Neck - Live Demo

March 4, 10:30 - 11:30 CET

  • ACV - Canon Medical Workshop Room 1
  • 60 Minutes


In the last decade, high resolution Ultrasonography has become the first line imaging modality for the depiction and evaluation of the peripheral nervous system. With new ultrasound devices, better post-processing algorithms and especially with ultra-high frequency probes with frequencies of up to 33 MHz, even tiny peripheral nerves can be depicted and assessed. In these workshops the clear identification of nerves of the head, neck and upper extremity will be presented using our landmarking-technique and will be demonstrated in a live scanning session.

This workshop will not be streamed!


  • Alexander Loizides

    Innsbruck / Austria