Learning Objectives:
1. Despite best clinical imaging, prenatal evaluation cannot correctly predict good vs poor neurodevelopmental outcome in individual cases of isolated CCA
2. AI can and should be used in fetal MRI
3. Using AI we can study patterns of fetal brain connectivity and development beyond tractography, evaluating development and deviations possibly associated with disease
4. Applying AI to fetal MRI requires specific troubleshooting
Use Case Description
Corpus callosum agenesis (CCA) is one of the most common brain malformations. Fetal MRI improves identification of parenchymal anomalies in CCA in relation to US. When isolated, CCA has a good prognosis in 70-80% of children. However, using currently available methods, we cannot correctly predict the fetuses at risk of neurodevelopmental delay.
AI is a tool that can be used in fetal MRI. Peculiarities must however be taken into consideration, pertaining to the continuous changes of the developing brain, fetal and maternal movement, to name a few. Using DTI data, models of development of the fetal connectome can be developed to quantify deviations associated with disease and establish a vocabulary we can link to outcome. For this, all available data should be used. For validation of these models, it is essential to have a close relation to clinicians and a good follow up of patients.