Research Presentation Sessions: Abdominal Viscera & GI Tract

RPS 1201 - What's new in LI-RADS and pre-liver transplant imaging

  • ECR 2023
  • 8 Lectures
  • 60 Minutes
  • 8 Speakers


Portosystemic shunts before liver transplantation: correlation between total shunt area and early graft dysfunction

Portosystemic shunts before liver transplantation: correlation between total shunt area and early graft dysfunction

07:00Andrea Vanzulli, Tradate (VA) / IT

Implementation of LI-RADS diagnostic algorithm with subtracted images

Implementation of LI-RADS diagnostic algorithm with subtracted images

07:00Xiao Xiao Tong, Padova / IT

Standardised radiological reporting: are we practicing LI-RADS?

Standardised radiological reporting: are we practicing LI-RADS?

07:00Aasma Nudrat Zafar, Rawalpindi / PK

Optimising imaging assessment of liver transplant candidates: a comparative study of CT versus MRI at a large UK liver transplant centre

Optimising imaging assessment of liver transplant candidates: a comparative study of CT versus MRI at a large UK liver transplant centre

07:00Carmelo Ranieri Alessandro Corallo, Leeds / UK

Application of LI-RADS standardised reporting recommendations on CT and MRI radiology reports in clinical practice

Application of LI-RADS standardised reporting recommendations on CT and MRI radiology reports in clinical practice

07:00Monica Milazzo, Palermo / IT

Effect of portal vein variations and segment 4 artery origin on the right/left lobe volume ratio and remnant liver volume in right-lobe living donor liver transplantation

Effect of portal vein variations and segment 4 artery origin on the right/left lobe volume ratio and remnant liver volume in right-lobe living donor liver transplantation

07:00Hande Özen Atalay, Istanbul / TR

Preprocedural liver and spleen volumes in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: correlation with outcomes

Preprocedural liver and spleen volumes in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: correlation with outcomes

07:00Anthony Tu Tran, West Footscray / AU



00:00Asuncion Torregrosa Andres, Valencia / ES

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  • Asuncion Torregrosa Andres

    Valencia / Spain


  • Andrea Vanzulli

    Tradate / Italy
  • Xiao Xiao Tong

    Padova / Italy
  • Aasma Nudrat Zafar

    Rawalpindi / Pakistan
  • Carmelo Ranieri Alessandro Corallo

    Leeds / United Kingdom
  • Monica Milazzo

    Palermo / Italy
  • Hande Özen Atalay

    Istanbul / Turkey
  • Anthony Tu Tran

    West Footscray / Australia