New directions in cardiac imaging

E³ 821c-1 45 min Mapping techniques for advanced tissue characterisation Alexia Rossi, Zurich / Switzerland 1. To become familiar with the MRI physical principles and imaging protocols of parametric mapping. 2. To learn about the potential of multiparametric MRI in...

Focal testicular lesions: challenging conditions

E³ 821b-1 45 min Acutely painful lesions Vikram S. Dogra, Rochester, NY / United States   1. To describe the imaging findings of tumours and tumour-like testicular lesions presenting clinically with acute scrotal pain. 2. To learn how to integrate clinical and...

Safety of radiologic contrast media: an update

E³ 821a-1 45 min Acute non-renal adverse reactions Laura Romanini, Brescia / Italy   1. To illustrate the spectrum of acute non-renal adverse reactions after radiologic contrast media injection. 2. To become familiar with the treatment of acute non-renal adverse...

The traumatic knee: a multidisciplinary approach

E³ 819-1 5 min Chairperson’s introduction Jacob J. Visser, Rotterdam / Netherlands   1. To understand the orthopedic’s radiological information needs in patients with traumatic knee injury. 2. To know what information the radiologist can provide in...