Taking a new look at the multidisciplinary approach of HCC patients

IND 22-1 10 min SORAMIC trial – multiparametric MRI with gadoxetic acid and the influence on therapy decision making in HCC Max Seidensticker, Munich / Germany     IND 22-2 40 min PANEL Discussion Multi-disciplinary team discussion on HCC patient management...
CT innovations : impacting healthcare professionals and patients”

CT innovations : impacting healthcare professionals and patients”

Come and listen to our experts and learn about how CT innovations and platforming solutions can impact healthcare professionals and patients, providing superb quality clinical imaging and sustainable solutions into the future. IND 20-1 60 min CT innovations :...
Do you Master Patient Experience in your Breast Care Pathway?

Do you Master Patient Experience in your Breast Care Pathway?

Patient’s voice and experience matters. Join GE Breast Care patient symposium to go beyond technology, see the breast care pathway from another perspective, learn how the technology can serve inclusiveness & diversity, how GE Healthcare can help you becoming...