Early diagnosis and breast lesions characterisation

RPS 1502-2 8 min Simultaneous multiparametric [18F]-fluoroethylcholine PET-MRI for the diagnosis of breast cancer Paola Clauser, Vienna / Austria Author Block: P. Clauser1, L. Grana Lopez2, I. Bolengo3, S. Rasul1, P. Kapetas1, R-I. Milos1, T. H. Helbich1, P. A....

Artificial intelligence (AI) in neuroimaging

RPS 1505-2 8 min Real-life evaluation of the AI-based neuroradiology suite mdbrain Jens Opalka, Berlin / Germany   Author Block: J. Albert1, M. Fernandez1, M. Thauerer2, F. Gärtner3, S. Hock4, D. Trautmann1, S. Peters3, K. Egger2, J. R. Opalka1; 1Berlin/DE, 2Zell...

4D flow in cardiac MR

RPS 1403-2 8 min Background phase correction in MR compressed sensing 4D flow Gert Reiter, Graz / Austria   Author Block: G. Reiter1, C. Reiter1, C. Kräuter1, N. Jin2, D. Giese3, M. Fuchsjäger1, U. Reiter1; 1Graz/AT, 2Chicago, IL/US, 3Erlangen/DE Purpose:...