Staging and response assessment in colorectal cancer

RPS 1001a-2 8 min Is MRI better than MSCT in the diagnosis of preoperative T and N restaging of rectal cancer after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy? Wenjuan Liu, Beijing / China Author Block: W. Liu, Z. Wang; Beijing/CNPurpose: The purpose was to evaluate the value of...

Best of ESR Student Abstract Submission 1

S 10-2 6 min Detection of fetal intraventricular haemorrhage ? importance of EPI/T2* sequences Tim Dorittke, Vienna / Austria   Author Block: T. Dorittke, D. Prayer, K. Goeral, E. Krampl-Bettelheim, G. Kasprian; Vienna/AT Purpose: Recent studies comparing fetal...

Artificial intelligence (AI) in musculoskeletal imaging

RPS 1005-2 8 min Automated bone age assessment on a multi-site US cohort: agreement between AI and expert readers Matthew DiFranco, Vienna / Austria Author Block: M. DiFranco1, T. S. Chung1, J. Wood2, K. Caudill2, R. Bowling2, M. Hileman2, W. Cho2, M. Kelsey2, A....