Developments in magnetic resonance imaging

RC 2414-1 5 min Chairpersons’ introduction Francis Zarb, Msida / MaltaMitja Rupreht, Maribor / Slovenia RC 2414-2 15 min Low-field imaging: where it fits in a modern MRI service Joan C. Vilanova, Girona / Spain 1. To describe the current applications of...

Undergraduate radiology education: a paradigm shift

OF 24Y-1 5 min Chairperson’s introduction: A paradigm shift in teaching radiation protection Franz Kainberger, Vienna / Austria   With a view on recent developments in both medical education and clinical imaging, the radiology training of students should be...

Clinical spine neuroimaging

RC 2311-1 5 min Chairperson’s introduction Luc van den Hauwe, Antwerp / Belgium     RC 2311-2 15 min Congenital spine lesions Andrea Rossi, Genoa / Italy   1. To review the basics of spine and spinal cord development. 2. To establish an imaging...

Acute head and neck imaging

RC 2308-1 5 min Chairperson’s introduction Jan Walther Casselman, Bruges / Belgium     RC 2308-2 15 min Facial and skull base trauma imaging Jan Walther Casselman, Bruges / Belgium   1. To demonstrate which imaging technique should be used to visualise...