Women in radiology: does gender have an impact on career?

OF 23Y-1 5 min Chairperson’s introduction Laura Oleaga Zufiría, Barcelona / Spain   Gender influences a wide range of career-related attitudes and behaviors, and outcomes. This includes career choice, career experiences, work attitudes, other people’s...

Radiology skill set needed for Malaysia in facing battle with COVID-19

Meets 23-3 10 min Chairperson’s introduction: Inter-society relationship and radiology in the post-COVID-19 era Norlisah Mohd Ramli, Kuala Lumpur / Malaysia   1. To address the changes in academic conferences and the education of specialists and residents...

Renal masses

E³ 2332-1 5 min Chairperson’s introduction Marie-France Bellin, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre / France   1. To review the treatment options for solid renal masses in frail patients. 2. To understand the role of imaging in the treatment selection and planning of small...